Dear God,
As we look with expectancy to what the future beholds for each and every one of us…help us to discern your voice. Help us to never be selfish and to freely share with others the knowledge of Your Truth. I know that you’re looking down on us with loving eyes but inwardly you’re in pain when others are in pain. Help us to see you as a Helper instead of someone who doesn’t really care. You do care. Even when at times we may not 100% know what you’re up to, you do care. You care enough to know how many hairs on our head are numbered and care enough to guide us on the right path. God, help us to seek you with open hearts, expecting a spiritual touch of your presence in us and around us. Help us to never be ashamed of having encounters with you. Help us to never let you go. To always continue so strong and steadfast in your unshakable truth that’s been here for generations upon generations. What a privilege to be able to open a Bible and spend time with you. Help us to spend so much time with you that every morning when we wake up all we are thinking about is spending so much time with you. While we do our daily duties as well. You give us peace of mind. Nothing like this world can give. You remove idols from our lives so you can be our all. Protect us from idols and protect us from not putting you first.
In Jesus’s Name, Amen.
A faith family member