Scripture: Proverbs 27:17-Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. (King James Version)
Devotional: Relationships can be from God or not from God. Not everyone is meant to walk this life with you. You can be inspired by someone else but that doesn’t mean they’re meant to walk life with you. It’s time to pray and seek God’s face to see whom God wants you to walk this life with and who aren’t meant to walk life with you. It’s time to see relationships as they are and continue to seek God’s guidance when making such serious decisions. It’s time to be more cautious of your surroundings and not cultivate a field with everyone. Choose wisely!
Prayer: Father God, help me remove any relationships from my life that no longer serve me a kingdom purpose. Help me see that you work indeed all things for my good. You give me what I need instead of what I want. Your ways will always push me toward you and they will better me as an individual and it keeps me going. Please God, help me to discern who’s really for me and who’s not really for me. Help me to understand that some people, although they can be kind, are for a season and not for a purposeful project or agenda that comes from you.
In Jesus’s name, I ask that you’ll increase discernment and help me not be an island and continue to congregate in church, amen.
Worship song: “We Against The World” by Hulvey ft. Andy Mineo
Reflection: Show the person that you’re in a relationship with and how much you love them. Spend time with them, give them gifts, and give them hugs and affection. In a Christian way! Pray for them, share inspiration, and encouragement with them! Run errands together, go out to eat together, and be there for each other!