Scripture: Titus 2:5-To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. (King James Version)
Devotional: Taking care of your home is not just for ladies. But men can do so too. But this scripture is speaking directly about women. But still. Doesn’t mean men can’t take that role too. God is a good Father. Not a mean Father. Learn to take care of your home. Learn to guard it and protect it with God’s presence. Learn to build an altar and atmosphere of praise and Thanksgiving for His glory. It’s time to cultivate your home. Not just how it looks, but how the atmosphere is like. Bring a spiritual awakening to your home. I think you need to!
Prayer: Father God, help me to be a home maker that honors your holy name. Help me to take care of every detail of my life and of my home. For if my life is disorderly, it will reflect in my home. Help me serve those that I live with with a Spirit of hospitality and not of complaints and grudges. I pray that you’ll help me create a better home environment, not just for myself but for those I live with or invite to my home. Help me be wise in whom I allow to come into my home. Good intentions don’t always lead to good results. I just want to do your will. Help me to be more organized and detail oriented when it comes to my home.
In Jesus name, I pray, amen.
Worship song: “My Prayer For You” by Alisa Turner
Reflection: Start by playing worship music on your t.v, Bluetooth device, desktop, laptop, speaker, headsets. Listen to edifying music for His glory while you handle your business. Take time to devote to God and His word. Pray and anoint with actual oil your home. Consecrate oil for His glory. Fast over it and prepare it for His glory so God can see how serious you’re taking it, place some in your hands, anoint your home, and pray over it. Giving it over to God. That God may reveal what needs to go from your home that’s giving grounds to evil spirits, etc. If you don’t think there’s any revelation about anything weird at your home, just take the oil and pray over your home.