How to Study The Bible?

Significance Christian Ministry

When Choosing a Translation to Use For Bible Study (Things to Consider):

The King James Version is accurate in the sense of the translation hasn’t been transitioned. It has stayed the same for years. But there has been difficult King James Versions. But the one recommended does have the sayings: “thou, thee, thy.” It’s accurate because there’s no scriptures removed from that version like the new modern translations.

Make Sure Your Bible Of Choice Contains 66 Books In All (Things to Consider):

66 books in all in the content section.

Additive (Things to Consider)=

Bible commentaries

Bible guides

Bible literature

Bible theology

Bible dictionary

Bible terms, glossary, word search, etc (anything that helps your Bible study time)

Written devotionals

Anything that helps your Bible study time, even a sermon guide about the topic you’re wanting to study is helpful to study the word of God too. But that’s usually when someone’s a beginner. It’s called being discipled by Jesus. There’s going to be moments when you may not understand what you’re reading so here’s a prayer to consider every time you’re reading God’s word and remember that we will not get to understand everything God wouldn’t want us to understand. So it’s okay. (Prayer on the next slide)->

Prayer to Invite The Holy Spirit to Speak to Us During Bible Study Time and Help Us to Hear Through His Word What He Would Want Us to Hear Through His Word

Holy Spirit, I ask that you help me understand your Holy Word. I ask that you give me the understanding, wisdom and knowledge that I need in this time around. Illuminate the Scriptures to the best of my understanding and knowledge. I invite you to my Bible study time. In Jesus Name, I pray, amen.

(If you’re studying the word with someone else. just change “I” to “we” and “I” to “us”).

Choose the topic you’d like to study on that day, or verse or chapter or book. However God guides you to do it, in that moment. Just act in faith.


Topic: Love (look for scriptures pertaining to “love.” If you need to use the internet, do so).

Book: Exodus (read through. Make a Bible study plan and see what speaks to your current season and write it down).

Verse: Philippians 4:13 (highlight what wordings speak to you and expand a message through it).

Chapter: Ecclesiastes 3 (read through it and meditate on what you read. Same process as book & verse).

Be consistent but change it up once in awhile just to have fun in His presence.